Attempt To Jump The Paratrooper

Montague Corporation’s Paratrooper is a full sized folding Mountain Bike that is advertised as airdrop capable. Here is how I rigged the bike to be airdropped.


Materials used to rig were: Air Pack Drop Bag, MC-4 Kit Bag, A lot of padding.

Materials usedÂ

In order to jump the bike, I had to compact it as small as I could get it. I took the tires, fork, and handle bar off. Then folded the bike as designed.


 I then placed the front tire inside the Air Pack. My daughter Kristen assisted while I took the picture.


 The rest of the bike were placed inside the MC-4 Kit Bag.

 inside drop bagÂ

Unfortunately, the jump was cancelled due weather. We had to have a minimum of 3 miles visibility. The fog was so thick I don’t think we even had 10 feet. So stay tuned, I plan to have both still pictures and video of the Paratrooper’s next jump.
