So You Like To Play In The Mud…

You may want to reconsider riding in the muddy trails. Here’s a few good reasons why:

1. Messes up your drive train.All that grit is not good for your chain, cassette, chain rings, botton bracket, and derailleurs. It’s like pouring sand on those parts…it wears things out quickly.

I forgot to mention, all that moisture is not good for your bearings, and your cables.

2. Your clothes get pretty dirty.

3. The ladies don’t dig a messy guy…no matter how cool you think you look.

4. Your car interior will hate you for it. Now that you’re done playing in the mud, how are you going to get home? If you drove there, then your car will be just as muddy on the inside once you get in.

5. I’ve busted a rear derailleur because so much mud got stuck in the pulley and when I was pedaling, it forced it into my spokes…then I had to walk home.

6. This is probably the most important factor….It messes up the trails for the rest of us. Just wait 3-5 days after a heavy rain storm to let the ground get a bit drier before you ride again.

What happens is, if there’s a bunch of you guys out there playing in the mud, whom ever maintains the trails can blame mountain bikers for the trail damage by the deep tire traction you’ve embeded. If it keeps happening, they can eventually close a trail. So pleae stay off the muddy trails!