Many Uses of a Trunk Mount Rack

Not only are they great in transporting our bike around. But they are actually pretty useful.

For a long time I didn’t own a work stand. So I used the next best thing, my trunk mount rack.

All I did was get some hooks and place them on the wall and mount my rack when ever I needed to work on a bike.

Heck if you need to make some last minute adjustments at the trail head, you can easily work on your bike.

But then I had this great idea….Why not use my rack to build something cool for my car! So what I did was take a card board box, get some stickers…

Shape it in the right angles…

Place the cardboard on top of the rack and poke some holes for some zip ties.

Run the zip ties through…

Viola! There’s your finished product….a nice spoiler!

I’m thinking of testing it to see how well it keeps my rear end glued to the ground while I’m getting groceries.

I hope that helps, since that DIY modification just saved you hundreds of dollars from buying one of them spoilers that are made our of aluminum!