First Impressions: Optic Nerve Savant

Optic Nerve,, sent us some eyewear. I’m going to be testing out Optic Nerve’s Savant Fade Carbon. You can find it on their website under the “Collection 2007” and then from the menu on the left select “Interchangeable”. Savant is on the first row, middle.

First impression is that they look sweet! Great stiff case, the fade carbon is a very nice color & I can easily determine which lenses are for the right/left, plus they MSRP for just $59.

Here is a picture of the cool case that it comes in.

And what you get when you open the case.

The contents laid bare.

The Savant comes with 4 interchangeable lens: dark smoke, copper, high definition orange and clear. The blue cloth is very soft while the case is stiff on the outside and soft on the inside.

Here’s a picture of me sporting the eyewear.

I’ll have my review of them up in a bit. In the meantime, check out the specs at Optic Nerve or if the links don’t work,