Fullerton Loop Easy Route

A small group of us went mountain biking on the Fullerton Loop this past Saturday. We came up with an easy route because one of the guys was a newbie who has never ridden mountain before and I had a minor injury.

Luckily, the Fullerton Loop is conducive to creating new routes because it’s in the middle of a city. The advantage is that you can jump off the loop at certain points to miss harder parts (ie. climbs) ride on paved roads and catch up with the loop at other points. We were able to do this a couple of times to make most of our route flat, with a couple of small uphills.

For those of you who know the loop, we started from the courthouse and rode San Juanita Cooke (SJC) trail to Hiltscher Trail. We rode down Hiltscher until we hit Euclid Street. We then turned around and rode back up Hiltscher trail to SJC trail. We took SJC, using Morella Avenue, to ride to Laguna Lake. After a quick lap around the lake, we took SJC trail to the railroad tracks. We finished off the ride by riding the golf course area into the dam area and then using Harbor Blvd to get back to the courthouse.

Am I the only one crazy enough to “easify” my favorite local trail just so I can ride with a minor injury? And if you’ve done the same, which one have you “easified” so that I can ride?
