No more junk in my trunk contest

Ok guys and gals. Here are the details for weight loss competition!! Woo hoo!

*The duration will be 8 weeks long. So don’t join if you can’t hang! Official start date will be Feb 5th. I thought I’d be nice and wait until after Superbowl. You’re welcome! 🙂

* To participate you will need to send in a photo of yourself (please feature the date in your pic i.e date on newspaper or something like that). We will be posting these pics and your stats on the site. You will also need to have your body fat % measured and your starting weight. Anyone at any local gym can do this for you. Please email this information in.

* You will need to sign a waiver/release form so you don’t sue our butts if something goes wrong. Email us for it.

* We ask that you incorporate biking somehow into your exercise regimen. Not required but encouraged. This is a biking website you know.

* We will be posting weekly updates with everyones stats.

* At the end of 8 weeks the person with the highest % of body fat loss will be the wiener!

* And of course we need a little wager to make this even better. So we thought the easiest wager would be a little cash. If there are participants outside of the US then we’ll have to deal with that when we come to it. I think $20 per person is fair. Just enough to hurt. You’ll need to mail this upfront and then we’ll mail it all to the wiener shortly following the 8th week. And when I WIN I am going to buy myself some new gear!!!!!!

So that’s the gist of it. It should be a ton of fun!!! Looking forward to giving you a run for your money! I was going to say ride but it sounded a little obscene. Please email us by the 4th if you are going to participate. Thanks!