Do I really need these sports supplements?

Ok I have to fess up. I was very hesitant to try any kind of sports supplementation. As some of you know I am a vegetarian and most of the time I am very careful about what I put into my body. Yes, I am one of those people that fasts for long periods of time, I scrutinize the back of every food package, I do body cleanses regularly and even colonics…you name it I have probably tried it!

So I was a little skeptical when RL handed me these supplements. But following a recent spin class at my gym I knew I could use a little extra help when it took me 6 days to heal from it! It’s tough to go to the restroom when it’s too painful on your legs to squat …ok, that was too much information. So, I started the supplementation this past Monday.

I am happy to say that I took my Sure 2 Endure 1 hour before my spin class this past Monday. It is Thursday now and no soreness. I was really excited about the fact that I finished that class with energy and I did not feel jittery. I am VERY sensitive to caffeine so that is really important to me. I think this could really give an extra edge to those of you that race and compete on a regular basis. Did I mention this was my second work out of the day? I also had done about an hour of cardio/weights earlier that morning. I don’t think that I would have done as well without the little extra boost from the supplementation.

Another bonus with the Sure 2 Endure is the increase in energy burned. I typically burn about 100 calories for every 10min on the cross trainer. Last night I burned 300 calories for only 25 min on the cross trainer. Same cross trainer that I usually work on, same level, same weight. Again, I had the energy to work the weight machines for another 30min after that. I am excited to see what this is going to do for my mountain bike rides! Watch out RL, here I come!

I am also drinking the ProXtreme for my morning meal. Good stuff. I mix it with 8oz of soy milk in the morning and it really tastes good! What a concept…a protein shake that tastes good. Go figure. It leaves me feeling full for hours. And the best part is that it has 25 g of protein in each serving. With my soymilk it only adds up to about 225 calories, another plus.

I am also taking the BioLean II. I don’t know that I feel an immediate difference with this product. At least it’s not as noticeable to me as the others. I figure the difference may be more apparent over a period of time though with my lean mass levels, so we’ll keep you updated with the progress within the next 5 weeks. These are the benefits of this product:

• Enhance weight loss
• Aid weight maintenance
• Suppress appetite
• Increase energy and alertness
• Increase lipolysis or fat breakdown
• Increase ratio of lean muscle mass to total body mass
• Increase metabolic rate or thermogenesis

Anyhoot, that’s my two cents on these supplements so far. It’s only been 4 days and I am still in the process of scrutinizing every ingredient on their labels. From what I can see nothing too far out there, but I am going to have a friend/nutritional expert give it a look over too for his opinion. I’ll keep you updated with what I find. In the meantime I do feel the difference in my workouts and hope these supplements will aide me in reaching my personal goals.

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