Are your disc brakes not stopping?

Did you get some grease on your pads or rotors? Rubbing alcohol not working in cleaning out your brakes? Or are your disc brakes simply not stopping well enough. You’ve checked your pads and you still have some life in them.

Here’s a few simple steps to get you stopping again in no time.

1. Remove the pads from the caliper. This can be easily be done with your fingers or with the help of a pair of pliers.

Check out how glazed my pads are.

2. Take a sanding block or a piece of sand paper and sand off the glazed surface of the pads.

See the difference between the left pad which has been sanded the right that hasn’t. The sanding acts like microderm abrasion for your pads.

3. Final step, sand down the rotors until you get rid of the heat glaze.

Now go test it out, it should be a huge difference in your stopping power.