Girls are made of Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice…..

So this morning I headed out with Moe’s wife Grace for our Saturday ride. The weather was great and we were lookin for adventure! The boys made sure we brought our cameras this time so that we could share the fun with you. 😀 . So we loaded up our bikes, (ok, actually my husband did load it for me today..thankz babe! xoxoxo), threw on our pink socks (absolute necessity) and we headed to our local favorite – The Fullerton Loop.

Here comes Grace!

So we were speeding along….(this is me)…..

What I like about Grace is she is quite the trooper…usually game to try anything. And we’re great about pushin’ each other along. We all need a riding buddy like that. So we thought we’d tackle a good hill today…see below.

Yes, that is a man walking this hill. So we thought…eh why not?…It will do us some good.

So we tackled this bad boy, (I meant the hill)! Well, we didn’t make it all the way up on bike, but that’s ok! It’ll be ours next time!!!

Now we’re at the top of the hill. Darnit! We have to get down.

In the past I have just ridden back down the way we came up because, well it was fun! Going down that hill is the best part!!! But today it seemed reasonable to just continue down the trail around the backside of the hill. How hard can it be? See below.

Yep. As I am dismounting my bike at the top of the steep grade, (becuase I think I might munch it on this one)… I see Grace rolling along. And I thought “On no…this doesn’t look good.” And before you know it, she too has cleaverly dismounted her bike..but her technique was very different. Grace caught some good air as she was dismounting OVER her bike. Ouch. Now I know that wasn’t good.

As she tumbled below all I could think was please don’t break anything!!! Sure enough, she was alright..just some scrapes and a little bruising. Whew! And yes boys the bike is okay. So it’s official now. She is a Mountain Biker. Grace has been initiated. Her first fall. Ping!…(that is my teardrop). I am so proud.

It’s just like us girls – we counted our blessings, shook off the dirt and giggled about it as we rode along. Good times. Happy Riding Everyone!