The “I Used To’s”

Random thoughts coming up….

oldman.jpgWorking at an LBS I run in to quite a bit of people that are the “I Used To’s.” These are the folks that has a story for everything that they USED TO do. One time I was helping a customer and he was looking at a Gary Fisher X-Cal. While we were at the parking lot test riding the bike, he started to tell me how he USED TO ride mountain bikes way back in the day and had went all over the US riding trails and yadayadayada…

Then in another occasion I was in the service area and one of the guys that brought in his bike started talking about how he USED TO be a bike mechanic years ago and that he could have done all the work himself, but since he doesn’t have time and the tools he figured he’d support the LBS by bringing it in…

Finally my favorite I USED TO was this guy, over weight and claimed that he was a former racer. He went on and on about how he raced here and there and that he was the best thing on a bike back in his glory days. Then he started telling the mechanic who was working on his bike that a certain part needs to be this and that and the mechanic needed to that and this to fix it…..

In situations like that where people digress into their glory days I’ve learned to just smile and nod…its kinda like some one saying…”When I was working out back then, I used to be HUGE!” 🙂