Month: April 2007

Below are pictures of the Go Pro Camera booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007: Visit the Go Pro Camera website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

Below are pictures of the Surly Bikes booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007: Visit the Sulry Bikes website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

Below are pictures of the Niner Bikes booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007 including multiple pictures of the new JET9: Visit the Niner Bikes website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

Below are pictures of the Calgary Cycle booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007: Visit the Calgary Cycle website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

Below are pictures of the Jamis Bikes booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007: Visit the Jamis bikes website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

Below are pictures of the WTB booth at the Sea Otter Classic 2007: Visit the WTB website by clicking here. All pictures are from flickr gallery.

I got a little “insideâ€�? info. Sweetskinz decided to offer everything in their online store at 50% off to anyone they talked with at Sea Otter. All anyone has to do is enter “seaotterâ€�? as the coupon code on the store… They even marked down the pumps and stuff. The offer ends in late…