KHS Bicycles…is My Nizzle, Fo-Shizzle!

In the past few month we’ve made some great friends in the bike business. Some I’ve known for a few years. But KHS Bicycles has always stood by our side in making sure we know the latest trends and gadgets the industry is coming out with. There are a few key players at KHS that are directly involved with as well as These are the guys that are always there for us whenever we need anything.

So without sounding like an Oscar winner thanking everyone and their brother…I’d like to thank the following folks at KHS.

Vince Calvillo-Operations Manager. Vince is our go to guy whenever we need anything. He hooks us up with the demo bikes, swag, and much love! Vince has to be one of the most knowledgeable guys in the industry. The dude can recite to you every item in the KHS catalog. Vince is also the guy that you’ll see at every event that KHS participates in. At every event that we’ve been to that KHS a part of, Vince is out there with the box truck pimpin’ out the bikes. This guy is super hard worker!

Wayne D. Gray-This fella is the big cheese of Marketing. I think his title is “Grand Masta’ Flash of KHS Bicycles”. Wayne was the guy that gave us the opportunity to review their bikes. If it weren’t for him you wouldn’t see any of the KHS bikes on any of our sites.

Henry Hsieh– Now this guy…very humble. One time he went riding with us at the Fullerton Loop. He started telling us how he hasn’t ridden in so many years and blah blah blah…But he did very well on the trail. Then we later find out that Henry was a former Tri-Athlete! Henry’s title is something like “Lord of the Spin….bikes.” Henry is a great friend to our BikeCommuters site because he’s a commuter himself and provides us all sorts of great commuter info.

Vince Rodarte-I call him “Super Sales Single Speeder.” Vince is the Anthony Robbins of sales at KHS. He can motivate any shop to buy awesome KHS products as well as sell them a blender! Vince is a great rider and is chock full of info about all their bikes. If I have a question about specs on any KHS bike…Vince R, would know the answer!

Anyhow, I’m sure there’s other folks that make KHS a Kool company such as the receptionist, the owners, accounting, shipping guys, and the purchasing department (the two guys in that one office upstairs).

Again, I thank KHS Bicycles for supporting us and believing in us.