Pre-Mother’s day Ride

RL, Priscilla, Grace (my wife) and I got together for a pre-mother’s day ride at the Fullerton Loop. Today was a day full of ‘firsts’.

Today was the first time I’ve ever ridden off-road with my wife. Usually one stays behind with the kids. The girls slept over Grandma’s house so it was the perfect time to ride together.

Grace also got her first full-suspension bike as a mother’s day gift. The bike is a sweet KHS XC104.

Grace also rode the whole 12 miles today, and she discovered her ‘Granny Gear’. She’d always mentioned that she always needed to walk the bike up the hills. Today I discovered that she was trying to ride uphills on the top crank , once I explained how the left shifter works, she was climbing them hills like a goat!

I was also pretty impressed with Priscilla’s Mountain Biking abilities, she climbs like she is riding on flats, and she descends with a lot of confidence. I think RL is in trouble, he’s going to be seeing a lot of her back if he doesn’t step it up! As usual, I always have a blast riding with my friends, but today was extra special ’cause I got to share my love of riding with my wife.