Bike Barbeque Beer II Turnout

The Bike Barbeque Beer II wasn’t as big a turnout as I wanted. There were several guys who said that they were a definite yes going, ended up canceling on the last minute because their Unit had to support the Marine Junior ROTC event happening the same day. I thought it was pretty rude of the Marines to plan an event the same day as BBB. J/K!!!

3 mile island

Between Spring Gobbler Season and the lack of riders, my buddy Jamie and I decided to make this mountain biking ride a bit different. We went out to Middletown, PA and rode along Three Mile Island. A Nuclear Power Plant that had a melt down in 1979.

RR track

We couldn’t get on the Island itself but found the rail road track across the Susquehanna River sufficient.

cooling towers

Here’s a closer look at the cooling towers.

hobbit house

After a few miles down the rail road track, we came across what looked like a broke down Hobbit’s house. Anyone in the market for a great fixer upper?


Damsel in distress! Quick save the bike!!!

Only place in town where kids could hang out at the bar.

After the ride we went to my house for the Barbeque and Beam. We had to substitute Jim Beam for the beer. I gotta watch my girlish figure. The beers changed my six pack abs to a party ball.

I had a lot of fun on this ride. It wasn’t just another ordinary mountain biking event. Besides, I’ve wanted to ride along Three Mile Island ever since my family and I moved to Pennsylvania. My intent on having the Bike Barbeque Beer was to get a couple of guys together and go out for a spin. I figure this could be my little contribution on getting more people to enjoy the sport and simply ride their bikes. The Barbeque and the Beer was just an added bonus.