How to make new riding buddies

Without sounding too desperate, you can always post a message to local forums stating you’ll be riding. I’ve met a few great riding buddies in the past. In fact, that’s how Moe and I met and look at us now, we’re running a network of bicycling sites.

Why you flexin’ Jeremy?

I also try to be friendly on the trail heads. Funny thing is, people that know me think I’m naturally friendly. But in reality, I don’t like people. Yep I said it. I’d be happy to be left alone. Well, that’s not all true but stepping out of my introverted self takes a lot of work and practice. I HAVE to be friendly and approachable because I already look mean and I HAVE to be able to talk to people since we’re always trying to meet new companies all the time so we could test their products for the viewers.

Randy and his buddies after a ride. Check out his shirt. Now that’s shirt is a must when doing KEG STANDS!

Ok anyway, back to the how to. Another way to make new riding buddies is to invite coworkers. Due to my evangelical efforts to bring people out on the trails, I’ve been able to convert more than a few old coworkers into mountain biking. Heck my best work came out of Priscilla. She now rides ALL the time and even has her own set of lady friends that she rides with.

Basically there’s no secret to making new riding buddies. All you really have to do is be friendly. So go on…go make a friend today!