TUESDAYS BREWS DAYS -Samuel Smith Imperial Stout

Nothing can kill a planned ride like a heavy downpour of rain. It killed mine this past weekend. Then again you have the green trails to look forward to after. But what to do when you’re stuck inside letting the trails dry off? Get on that trainer right? Or, better yet, get on that bike and make a run to the store to pick up some great brew!!! Nevermind those people staring at you, their not used to people riding bikes.
So you picked up Samuel Smith Imperial Stout from that beer run didja? An excellent choice. Samuel Smith’s (no not Samuel Adams) is an old brewery founded in 1758 in England. They’ve a had a while to refine their amazing beers and it shows. Imperial Stouts were originally brewed in Great Britain to satisfy the Czarist courts. And because it had to be transported across the freezing Baltic sea, Russian imperial stouts were brewed with a high level of alcohol content. Didn’t think you’d learn anything eh?

Samuel Smith’s Imperial Stout isn’t as thick as some others. It pours light and creamy and goes down the same. Don’t be scared off by the bold name. This brew is smooth as a silk. There are lots of mild, pleasant, roasted nutty flavors throughout the taste that all remain calm and don’t overpower your taste buds. I’d say this brew is okay for ladies to try too. At least my wife liked it. I ask her to try all my brews just so I can try to introduce her to a little variety and find out what she likes and doesn’t at the same time. No reason the wife can’t enjoy a nice beverage also right? Hey, and I’m looking out for those health nuts out there. This brew is approved by the Vegan Society for all you animal lovers(guilty).

This brew has taken a world champion medal in imperial stouts so don’t forget to shake it’s hand while you’re opening. Samuel Smith makes some very subtle but fantastic beers. Their imperial stout is one of the very best out there, in my opinion, so pick one up if you see it on the shelve, you’ll thank me later.