TUESDAYS BREWS DAYS -Samuel Adam’s Summer Ale

Whether you’re relaxing after a trail ride, or lengthy race, there really is nothing like a quality brew to finish of a great day of riding. Bikes and beers, beers and bikes…any way you say it they go together. So Tuesdays(only because it rhymes with Brews Day) I’ll be looking at some quality brews, from all over the map, that’ll help to keep that after-ride smile on your face.

Anyone please feel free to suggest a great brew you’ve tried or comment on the one I’ve tasted. My mission for this feature is to spread love for fantastic brews and try to heighten our riding experience by mingling our love for two wheels and beers. Whether you enjoy them before or after the ride, well, that’s up to you!

Sam Adam’s Summer Seasonal Ale: This first brew, above, is perfect for a long, hot day in the saddle or one of those extended climbing rides. A nice citrus tasting beer that is rich and tasty but not sickly sweet. It finishes with a nice lemon flavor that will refresh your taste buddies for sure. I used to have one of these after a long day of hard labor at my grandpa’s house and had one after a cross country race. It really hits the spot. Just a great brew for hot weather that will keep you cool and satisfied and it’s not so thick that it will scare any light beer lovers away. This one might be off shelves soon what with the end of summer and all but if you can find one you’re in for a real treat!