Diversity, the MtnBikeRiders Way

If you were to ask anyone their definition of Diversity, you’ll get responses that talk about diversity in ways that touches ethnicity, financial, skills, personality and etc.

As we walked around Interbike last week, I started to see the diversity in our group of bloggers. Well for one, Moe and I run the show with the help of some of the worlds bestest mountain biking bloggers in the face of the universe that walked this whole planet…did that make sense?

Anyhow, you take Moe and I for example. Moe, a programmer by trade, he’s basically the guy that is in charge of all of the sites. He does all the coding, tweaks and basically he’s the brains of the operation. In reality if it wasn’t for his noggin, the sites would be pretty mediocre…no pizazz, attitude and flair that Moe adds.

Then there’s me. Though you may not think so, but I am the beauty of the sites. I’m the fella that does most of the talking between the two of us. Yes my degree is in IT and I have several years working with networks, servers and all that stuff, but I don’t know jack about programming. Basically if I think something would look cool on the site, I ask Moe if he can do it. Usually his response is…”I don’t know how to do it, but I’ll figure it out.”

Because of the diversity in our skills, personalities, and riding abilities, Moe and I work really well together and that right there is pretty contagious through out the rest of the staff. Priscilla is our women’s advocate and has the ladies always in mind. In fact she’s so into the women on bikes thing that we’re going to be launching something special just for our female readers which will be lead by Priscilla. Oh and she’s gotta be one of the better riders out of the whole crew.

We have Jeremy who is our first recruit, his job was to focus on the 29er side of mountain biking and the fella has delivered and keeps bring more new things to the table. Great rider, awesome photographer and has to be one of the tallest Mexicans I know.

Lance is our newest team member. We like him because of his tattoos. But he’s also a great rider. His Tuesday Brewsday is always fun to read about and I’m learning quite a bit from the fella. We’re actually banking on Lance to place at the race next month. We’re probably going to sponsor the guy to next year to race in a few events.

I can’t forget about Randy, if you haven’t figured it out, he’s my brother. Yeah Randy has to be one of the toughest guys I know. Mr. Freefall is based out of Yuma, Az. The guy jumps out of airplanes all the time and its one of those where they have to wear oxygen masks just so they don’t pass out. Oh yeah, he’s got a pretty impressive bar at his place and I’m sure when he retires from the Army, he can easily become a bar tender.

So there you have it, Diversity via MtnBikeRiders. With the colorful background of our lives, personality, riding ability and knowledge we can easily bring you a very interesting website to check out everyday. What makes us stand out from the rest of the other sites out there is the fact that its not just one guy jibber jabbing about what he thinks, but its a collective effort to bring our readers something more than what their used to.

Sure there are other sites out there that may have pro-racers, better riders, heck some may even know more than we do. But I can tell you this about us, we LOVE what we do and check this out, we do this for fun. None of us are paid to do this. We all have full time jobs, families, kids, dogs and responsibilities like the rest of you.