Footbike, Just Kick it!

A few weeks ago, Randy posted an article on featuring Footbike. We had met them at Interbike and found this thing to be pretty interesting.

So I contacted Footbike, located in Vegas to see about getting some samples to review for the sites. Keep in mind that most companies that we deal with will happily ship out an item via UPS or FedEx. But not FootBike. Moses, the big cheese of the company DROVE from Vegas to Orange County…DROVE…He must have left his house around 5-6am just to make it here in Fullerton for our meeting.

We met up at the Fullerton Loop trail head, basically this is the North OC Superior Court parking lot. As Moses was setting up the Footbikes, two guys that had just finished the Loop walked up to us and was pretty curious and started asking questions about the Footbike. I was riding one around and offered them to try it. At first they were hesitant, but after a few minutes, they were hooked.

After the two gentlemen said their good byes, Moses and I headed up the trail just to see how this thing really worked. I got on the off-road model and Moses on his racing Footbike.

This bad boy has Avid BB5 disc brakes in the front, and Avid V-brakes in the back. It also had an RST fork to soak up the bumps.

As Moses and I pushed/ran and kicked our way up the trail, he was telling me that riding the Footbike for 1/2 an hour is like riding your road bike for 1 1/2 hours…and I believed him! Oh man, riding this thing was super intense. In the 30minutes that we kicked it, I was hurting. My lungs were on fire, my legs were shaking…

The Footbike is definitely fun. It gives a whole new feel for riding on dirt. I’m looking forward to reviewing this bad boy. So stick around as we keep you all posted on the progress.