Victims of our Own Success

About a week ago my email was hacked. Guess what, this hacker is part of the bike industry.How do I know that, well for one thing he was emailing my bike industry contacts. People that we deal with for reviews, ads and etc. This punk sent an email to some of the major players that we’re working with for 08.

He sent emails basically trying to ruin my name and our site’s credibility. After a few phone calls to do some damage control with some of our contacts, we’re back on track. If you’re one of the companies we deal with and received an email from my old account asking for money to do product reviews or anything that doesn’t sound like something I would write, I do apologize in advance. It wasn’t me that sent it, it was the hacker.

Besides we’ve never charged for our reviews and people of the industry know that.

Here’s the kicker...I KNOW WHO YOU ARE MR. HACKER andWe’re going after you and do this the right and LEGAL way.

What was encouraging from this whole thing was talking to our contacts. People from all types of bike related companies that I spoke to this morning knew that I wouldn’t send those kinds of emails. Once they heard my voice explaining things, they got back on our side. So if anything, Mr. Hacker, you’re little attempt to ruin me and our sites this week made me sound more sincere and real to the bike companies that we work with.

I don’t think he realized that I keep in contact with our friends of the industry on a weekly basis, in fact we ride bikes with them, have BBQ’s and drink beer with them. So nice try, you’ll get what’s coming to you.

To our readers: Please note that we have never been paid to do a review and although you see ads on our site, the revenue from these ads are solely for the purpose of paying for hosting services, going to Interbike, Sea Otter and other events. We do this because we love cycling, not to get rich.