Tuesday Brews Day: Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale

I already had one of Samuel Smith’s Brews on here a while back. Alright, I’m already in the lazy Thanksgiving mode and coming back to the same brewer, sue me. But if there’s any excuse it’s how good this brown ale is. I happened upon this one in Parker’s Lighthouse In Long Beach, Ca.

This is the first Samuel Smith’s beer I’d tasted and hooked me in easily. It’s simple and, yup you guessed it, tastes nutty. What nut? I don’t know exactly but it sure is delicious. Stop thinking what you’re thinking. This one reminds me there’s genius in simplicity. It’s mellow and soothing and just tastes amazing from start to finish.

And for the upcoming holiday this goes perfect with a bowl of mash potatoes and some cranberry sauce. So when you’re making a run for the sparkling cider and pumpking pie and you see the Nut Brown Ale staring you in the eyes, you’ll know what to do. Consider yourself debriefed. Be ready to buy two bottles if need be and good luck my beer drinking companions!