24 Hours of Fullerton Update 2

As promised I have some pictures. I’ll be uploading the recap video tomorrow.

Moe, Lance and myself…I’m dressed up as Rick James..or as a fat Tinker Juarez.

Base camp, we had the Redline Bicycles tent and Moe’s pop up trailer.

This is a section called “Blair Witch.” It’s a fun wooded area where some of the local punks smoke out and do some weirdo stuff.

Fat Tinker riding up to Blair Witch

Moe’s behind the tree…hehe

Here’s some of the riders getting ready to head out.

Lance after his second lap. As of 9pm..I’ve only done one lap. But at 9:30pm Moe and our new friend Matias of Crank Bros will be heading out for a ride.

Check out this Calfee Bamboo mountain bike. That’s our friend Bill getting it set up to ride the Loop.

Dinner time, I grilled up some Korean BBQ, mushrooms and steamed some rice. Mmmm.

Here’s Moe posing with his BFF, Don Julio…

Ok, that’s it for tonight. I’ll be back in the morning with more stuff!