Happy Anniversary MtnBikeRiders.com

That’s right we’ve been here a whole year! We opened the doors to MtnBikeRiders.com last December.Woohoo!

When Moe and I first started talking about building this site, we didn’t realize how popular it would become. We literally went from a few visitors a day to thousands of visitors per day in just a few months. Sure we had a few set backs that were caused by some envious hacker…oh hey Mr. Hacker, we know WHO you are.

But because of those challenges we’ve become stronger and smarter on how we do things. We’ve made some great friends in the industry…too many to mention. But these same people liked us and believed in us enough to help us get started.

Looking back in the great year we’ve had, we were able to test some pretty cool and not so cool products. Heck, a new Ergon BD-1 back pack just showed up at my door today! Besides all the great items we’ve tested, we were able to go on a few road trips. Sea Otter in Monterey, California was soooo much fun! I even got a picture with the Sea Otter Mascot! Then Priscilla and I got to ride out in the desert of Yuma, Az, Moe was in Fruita, Co., Jeremy was up in Northern California and in North Carolina and then to top it all of, we were at Interbike! I do love me some Interbike. The guys and gal(Priscilla) did a great job in talking with all sorts of companies and I have to say Moe and I did a bang up job ourselves by talking to a handful of companies about advertising with us in 2008.

One thing that stands out the most for me this past year was having most of the crew race at Mt. Sac. I am very very proud of Jeremy, Lance and 2nd Placer, Priscilla. I also have to give some kudos to my daughter Breanna who raced tandem with me. Oh another thing that made this year interesting was the birth of our new style of riding…”Relaxed Vibe.”

I’m sure you’ve seen the videos, but basically a Relaxed Vibe Ride is taking the time to enjoy the trail, its not a time trial, but a time to relax, go at an easier pace. We had some great memories of encouraging one another, laughing and basically having a great time on the trails.

I think what makes MtnBikeRiders.com so unique…well its the people. We’re a diverse bunch. Diversity runs in forms of ethnicity, sex(yes please!), religion, orientation(though I don’t think anyone is gay…) career and family size. Our diversity provides our readers something different every time they visit our site. Some days you might see me shirtless, or other days you might see Lance doing a 5 footer drop…heck some of you may even like just staring at Priscilla’s pictures. But here’s something else that makes MtnBikeRiders.com a really good site….we all like each other! Ya its true! We genuinely care for each other and have at many times had meals together, rode bikes together and in some cases, cried together.

I’m sure you folks have your reasons why you keep coming back each day, what ever they are, we do appreciate you for supporting us and making us your choice in getting your daily dose of news, product reviews, articles, and How To’s for all your mountain biking needs….wait that sounded like an anchor man signing off for the night! Ah…oh well!

Anyways, I do want to wish the whole MtnBikeRiders.com crew and our readers a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Side note…

Dear Readers,

Thanks again for being there for us. Though there are thousands of you visiting the sites everyday, I would like thank each and one of you…so here it goes…Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank You, thank You, thank yUo, thank you, thanks! thankz, salamat, gracias, Thank you, thank you!