Niner Bikes: Jet 9

Jet 9 in Kermit Green

Niner bikes, a bike company solely dedicated to producing 29ers, is coming out with the Jet 9. The Jet 9 is a 3 inch, FS race bike. Here’s what Niner bikes has to say about the production of the Jet 9:

Well, we can finally say the time has come. The Jet 9 will be ready in Feb 2008. Thank you very much for your patience, this frame will be well worth the wait. While we could have just put shorter rockers on the R.I.P. 9 and called it a day, that is not what we are about.

The Jet 9 has different rockers, tubing, shock, pivots, dropouts, and different butting profiles based on the design: a light, fully active XC bike with 3.1″ of travel. We spent a whole year designing and testing a frame that only has 1.4″ less travel. Trust me it makes a difference in the final product as you are cruising your favorite trail with a big fat smile on your face. That smile is why we do what we do.

We did spend a lot of time with the geometry of the frame. The final design will work with all current forks both 80 & 100mm lengths. We recommend the 80mm travel forks for tight fast groomed singletrack or racing on groomed courses. 100mm will work best for general XC use and rocky trails. Or you can use our exclusive Rock Shox Reba U turn and fine tune the ride to your liking. Your dealer can purchase this fork with any Niner frame.

OK, how do you get one of these babies? Well visit your local Niner Dealer and plunk down a $200 deposit between now and Dec 15th and we will send you a free Patagonia Half-Mass messenger bag for Christmas. This should make the wait a little more tolerable. Then in Feb, if Murphy does not pop up his ugly head, you will have a shiny Jet 9 in your hands.

Jet 9, Anodizded Licorice $1,749

For those of you 29er fanatics without an LBS that sells Niner bikes, check out (a 29er only store).