Tuesday Brews Day: Full Sail, Wreck the Halls

Well we’re one week closer to the new year and one Brews Day further along in the month of December. Today’s beer of choice is from Full Sail Brewery, located in Hood River, Oregon. They’ve only been around since 1987 but have already established a name for themselves. So let’s take a taste of another holiday brew while we still have the chance. Ready, set, drink! 

Hoppy Holiday Ale

Wreck the Halls comes with 6.7% alcohol and loads of hops. I’m a sucker for these type of brews which are essentially a double IPA, meaning it’s been brewed with twice the normal amount of hops. This gives the drink  a powerful hop punch, initially, which is accompanied by an overwhelming grapefruit zest. I’m a fan of the grapefruit and took to this one like a duck to water.  

Brewery in Hood River

I think it would be absolutely great with a sandwich or, well, even a good breakfast if you’re game to hit the bottle that early. There’s no complex flavors in this beer, just a tart grapefruit flavor with a mouthful of hoppy goodness. Something tells me this would be fantastic on a hot summer’s day but, alas, it is a holiday brew so we’ll never know. My bottle sure didn’t last till summer. There’s a strong bitterness that comes with hop flavor but you’re tongue is easily distracted by the tasty bite of the grapefruit.  This one gets a very high recommendation from me. Simple but pleasantly unique. You need your daily serving of fruit anyway so go for it!

Full Sail mantra