Cold Weather Cross Training: Nirve Night Owl

Nirve Night Owl

I was up in Nor Cal for Christmas this past weekend so I decided to bring the Nirve Night Owl for some pavement pounding or what I’d consider cross training. I got out at 7am in 30 degree weather with some wind… not the most pleasant conditions for a Southern California guy who has never ridden in temperatures below 40. But I braved the cold and thankfully the Nirve Night Owl helped me to have a good time.

I knew it’d be cold, but frost on the ground?

2 hours + 25 miles later = cold toes and cold fingers, but lots of fun and an excuse to eat up this weekend! Which I did, of course. Clothing was tough as I don’t have a lot of cold weather bike clothing. I went with leg warmers and shorts, my normal Shimano shoes with a protective bootie, long sleeve dry wicking undershirt, jersey (to hold the water bottle) and a pullover windbreaker. My fingers were in neoprene gloves, but I think lobster claw like gloves would work better.

Some quick thoughts on the fun Nirve Night Owl:
– The bmx handlebars are especially nice because it can be adjusted to fit a variety of riders.

An out and back ride: out to Lodi’s movie theatre, now turn around and go back.

– Now, I wouldn’t call this bike fast, but it is capable. I didn’t have any problems pounding out the 25 miles but it did take a little while. Having one gear is great because the simplicity meant less mechanical issues but I couldn’t get into a higher gear to go faster. This is a tradeoff I’m willing to take, though.
– The blue matte finish is very clean, simple and cool looking. I particularly dig the handlebars mated to the blue frame.

Lodi is known for its Wineries. No grapes here today though.