Mountain Biker Hater caught!

I while back we reported that there was some butthole making holes in the trails of the Fullerton Loop. The holes were dug in places that were hard to see and some riders almost got hurt. Well, it looks like the bastard was caught!:

FULLERTON, Calif. – Police said they arrested a man who acknowledged digging holes on a park bike trail as payback for nearly being run down by a cyclist.

Warren John Wilson, 52, faces a single felony count of vandalism, police Sgt. Linda King said Friday.

King said nearly 50 holes measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet have been found since June along a trail at Laguna Lake Park, and in some cases attempts had been made to hide them from cyclists. She said some riders went over their handlebars after hitting the holes, but none reported major injuries.

Detectives watching the trails questioned Wilson, who said he had nearly been run over by a mountain bike rider and began digging the holes in retaliation, King said.

Police said Wilson had been released from custody. A phone listing for him could not be found

Via Yahoo!.