KHS Solo One First impression, CHSP Ride Report

The Crew and friends taking in the vista.

Most of the crew headed up to Chino Hills State Park for an early morning Saturday ride.

RL, Moe and Arnie (Officially being pimped)

We also had a few friends and Arnie, a loyal reader ride along with us. CHSP is not my one of my favorite rides, the uphills are not really worth the downhills, but it is certainly nice to ride another trail other than the Loop.

Me, at Four Corners… Trying not to vomit.

RL was riding his singlespeed full suspension bike, so I had to take my newly acquired KHS Solo One to the ride. At the beginning, I wasn’t so sure if that was a wise choice, I’ve ridden that trail before and some of the uphills are ass kickers.

Jason and Melissa (Happy B-day!)

When RL mentioned that he felt he was faster riding a SS, I thought to myself, yeah right… Funny thing is, as we were riding up Telegraph, RL and I were at the front of the group.

The group resting up a bit.

Did I feel ‘faster’? Well, yeah, I did… Our thinking is that since we don’t have a granny gear to fall back, we have no choice but to grunt up some of the uphills.

At this point, I love riding singlespeed, it is the rigid part that I had a little issue with. The rigid fork does wonders for going uphill, it is going downhill that it really punishes your upper body, mainly your wrists and hands. I think RL and I did very well riding our Singlespeeds, we didn’t puke and we walked the bikes very few times. Heck, we dropped a couple of riders going uphill and they had 27 speeds!

The group riding uphill

Many thanks to all the riders: RL, Priscilla, Jeremy, Khoa, Melissa, Jason, Tim and Arnie. Mountain Biking is awesome, but riding with your buddies is the best!