Tuesday Brews Day: Unibroue, Ephemere

These weekend we finally got a break from the cold and actually had a bit of warmer weather so I reached for something a little lighter. Unibroue is a Canadian brewery founded in the early 1990s. They mainly brew Belgian style beers but have some interesting alternatives to offer.

Looks like a Hef…but no

Ephemere is a lighter beer and appears yellow and cloudy when poured. You can smell a distinct Granny Smith apple scent. When you take a swig you get soft, carbonated apple flavors, but with a hefeweizen tasting base to it. No lemon here though. Basically this is a green apple flavored wheat beer.

How can I get one of those decals?

There are some spices in there that help give it some zest and it has a yeasty undertone to it. This seems more like a summer brew to me and if I had one on a hot June day I think I might be in heaven. Plus, at 5.5% ABV, you can drink a couple and still function. My wife kept asking me for more so I’m sure it’s somethingĀ the ladies can enjoy too. Also love the artwork on the label. Excellent…just like what’s inside!

Drink enough and you’ll see fairies too