Rubena Harpie Tires Review

Product: Rubena Harpie Tires


Harpie 26×2.25 780 grams comes with the Cut Enemy casing. This allows us to use a stronger lighter material in preventing flats.

Cost is $45USD per tire.

Compound is a Natural 55

This is what the Czech home page says, by the way, Rubena is made by the Czech Bicycle Tyre Company.

Successive pattern to Charybdis. It’s robustness enables to drive in heavy mudy terrain. Special form of the pitch finds easy stand in hard, broken terrain (stones, roots), where the profile hooks as “clutches” of the mythical Harpie and doesn’t loose up. The milled bottom of0the profile increases the adhesion during the contact with the hindrance. The characteristically shape of Harpie is reliable also on grass and in soft surface, where the depth of the pattern secures stability along with the side reinforced pitch. Harpie in combination with the technology “CUT ENEMY” decreases the risk of puncture. It is a perfect choice for safety and long durability.

So here’s the deal, I’ve been riding the Rubena Harpie Tires for a LONG Time. I would say I’ve had these tires for over 8 months. That’s a long time considering we test things within 3 months. But these tires have been on every mountain bike that I’ve ridden. Why? It’s simple really, the tires are great. I’ve had these on the Woodstock 707, the Giant Warp, and soon, on the new Single Speed project that I’m working on.

Rubena Tires installed on this bike. This was taken at Aliso Woods, Rock IT to be exact.

How has it handled in the past few months? These tires have seen all types of terrain. From hard pack single track, rock bed, sandy and all the way down to muddy and wet conditions. These tires have proved to be the best all around tires I’ve ridden with. I USED to have a set of tires that I would rotate on my bikes, they were the Specialized Enduro. Unfortunately they stopped making them, so the last pair I have would only get used a few months out of the year…I wanted to make them last. But since getting the Rubena tires, I haven’t had the need to use any other brand or style of tires.

Santiago Oaks

What I liked about these tires are the fact that they respond well in all riding conditions. They grab/hook/grip the trail like a tapeworm would on your intestines. It also has this thing that they call “Cut Enemy.”Supposedly this is to lower the number of your flats. Well to tell you the truth, in the 8 months, I’ve had 2 flat tires. One was caused by me bunny hopping onto a side walk and I didn’t clear the rear wheel…duh! Then the second was from a pretty large thorn. But 2 flats in 8 months isn’t bad in my book.

Rolling Resistance: I’m no engineer, so I can’t really tell you if these tires are more or less efficient, if they create more friction than other tires. But I will try and amuse you with my vast knowledge of tires. To answer that question, I simply have to say….NO! I didn’t feel slower or sluggish on the bikes that had these tires. In fact I felt faster especially going down technical trails. I felt more confident on these tires than I have with other tires. I’ve ridden with Maxxis, WTB, Specialized, Sweetskinz and many more, but the Rubena Harpie tires have proven to me that they are reliable, durable and a huge confidence builder.

I bring up confidence for the fact that I never second guessed these tires would roll underneath or fall of the rim when under load, they felt great through some of the hardest parts of the trails and overall…if you haven’t caught on…. I really like these tires and I’m sure you would too.

Click here for a big selection of Mountain Bike tires