First Impression – Zuma Rudy Project Helmet

This past week the post man delivered the Zuma Rudy Project Helmet to my front door. This is one SWEET helmet. Lucky for me, Moe’s noggin’ is a little large for this helmet, so I get to review this one. ;D This past Saturday I made my first run with this helmet out at Turnbull Canyon.

Here’s a short description from the website:

A compact, streamlined design enhanced by a
system of 26 vents: Zuma combines the characteristics
of a technically advanced helmet with a dynamic,
highly attractive look.

First Impressions
Now first of all I have to say I didn’t take the time to adjust the straps on the Zuma. I was in a hurry and I couldn’t wait to hit the trails. I know, shame on me. But I’ll make sure to adjust it before my next ride.

Rudy Project is known for applying technology and science to their designs. I need to know what all this hoopla is about. So with that said, immediately I was impressed with the style and detail on this helmet. This is a NICE helmet. It’s lightweight with lots of ventilation. And lots of cushion inside this helmet for a comfy fit. Stay tuned for my full review, but for now I like what I see! 🙂