Tuesday Brews Day: Zywiec Porter

As the rain descends upon us again(we need all we can get), I chose a darker drink more aptly suited for a dreary day. This drink is 9.5%, which is the strongest Porter I’ve had. Like other Porters it has an initial mouthfeel that’s thin, despite it looking like a small tar pit. Zywiec claims this Polish recipe has been used since 1881. Apparently somebody liked it…it’s still here right?


After the thin beginning, the beer starts to take shape in the form of toffee(classic Porter flavor)  and malt flavors. I even thought I tasted a little raisin in there? I could be mistaken. Anyway, after thinking I tasted raisin, I had to run to the kitchen to grab some of my wife’s fresh-baked oatmeal raisin cookies. Sure hit the spot!

Back of the bottle

By the end of the drink, you’ll notice you got more than you bargained for. The warmth of the high alcohol rounds this brew off perfectly. Imagine you’re getting an Indian Burn. Slowly your arm starts to heat up and, before you know it, it’s too late.  Much is the same with this drink…only substituting pain for pleasure. I skipped by this awesome Porter so many times because I thought it had a boring label. I need to stop doing that. Miss out on too many amazing drinks like this.