LA Times: 5 Inch Bikes

The all mountain Trek Fuel Ex 9.5

Every once in a while, the Los Angeles Times does a short feature on some mountain bikes. This time the author, Roy M. Wallack, did a short write up on some 5 inch bikes including the Cannondale Rize, Trek Fuel EX 9, Giant Trance XO and the Specialized Pitch.

Here is his intro:

Five inches. In the mountain-biking world, where the probability of enjoying a breathtaking descent is often measured by the distance your bike’s wheels can compress, or “travel,” when they hit a big rock, 5 inches of travel is way better than 3 or 4. Although 5 inches typically came on heavy, slow-climbing, 33-pound bikes, advances in suspension design and tubing fabrication have brought big travel to nimble, sub-30-pounders.

Click here for the article.