Night Riding Fun at Fullerton

At least one night during the week Priscilla and I will hit the trails for a night ride. We usually have a few folks that ride with us, but this week it was just her and I. It was weird, but Specialized Bicycles was there to do a Demo Day. I thought it was odd for them to come out during the week…oh well. We didn’t even bother checking out the bikes since we had already brought our own. Besides, there’s no fun in riding a bike that you can’t afford to buy…

Anyhow so we’re on the trail and we’re in total darkness. Our lights were the only things that were shinning. What’s fun and creepy about riding at night would be all the stuff you hear in the bushes. For some smurfy reason, things that are in the bushes tend to crawl towards you while you’re sitting there resting or waiting. I swear, I always get creeped out when I hear something coming towards me…

Of course we had to do our obligatory photo of the ride. The other shots we took didn’t turn out too well…

Now I wanted to share some info that might save you some money. I had a pair of Shift MX gloves that Moe got me a few years ago for my B-day. They were great gloves and after two years of abuse, they finally tore on the finger tip. So for the past month, I’ve been using these cheapo gloves from Wal-Mart. They can be found in the home improvement section of the store and they only cost $9.99!

The brand is “Red Rock” and these are basically work gloves. But what I noticed is that they are built just like a pair of riding gloves.

They have a padded knuckle area that protects, they’re pretty breathable, and so far have been very reliable. So not only are they perfect for riding, but you can use them to dig out a trench in your yard or plant a new tree.