My own solvent tank, well sorta…

One of the things I like to do in my shop (garage) is to clean off nasty, dirty, greasy parts. I had looked into getting a solvent tank to put in my garage. But they can cost a pretty penny. They have some home mechanic versions of this that runs about $40-$60…but that’s still out of my broke-butt budget.

So rather than shelling out that kind of cash, I went to Wal-Mart to get some degreaser and a plastic bin. This Orange Degreaser is only about $4.00 for this large container. I found it in the automotive area, near the car wash detergents and Simple Green.

This stuff is pretty strong so I added a bit of water to dilute it, funny thing is, even with water, this stuff was still potent! So I took of Priscilla’s XTR chain and placed it in the solution in the plastic container. I let it sit there for a few minutes. From this picture, the solution is still pretty clear.

Then about 5 minutes into it, it started to show that the degreaser was breaking down the muck on the chain. I then started scrubbing the chain and check out how dark the solution is…

This is after 10 minutes of marinading in the stuff, and a few scrub jobs, now that’ a clean chain!

I’d totally recommend saving a few bucks and buying this degreaser. This stuff is cheaper than what you would find at the shop.