Reinventing, I hope you’re ready!

Every so often we get people that recognize us on the trails or send us emails with kind words that basically says “you guys are great!” Our readers seem to love the fact that we’re regular guys and gal that have a passion for riding and that we still get ooh’d and ahh’d by cycling celebs like Gary Fisher ,Tom Ritchey, Joe Breeze, Biker Fox and so on. All in all, we’re down to earth people…and our readers like that.

But as of today that will no longer exist! That’s right, we’re reinventing and we’re kicking out the old ways of doing things and start becoming more arrogant, pretentious, and bad ass. That’s right no longer are the days where we wait for slower riders in our group rides…no! We’re leaving everyone behind! We’re also giving up smiling. Smiling is way over rated and as I write this, I’m not smiling. Smiling is for sissies, its for people that can’t wipe their own butts. We’re not smiling anymore on our ride photos, pictures at Interbike, Sea Otter or any other events. Nope, we’re just doing the no smile look…cuz it gives us the image that we’re too cool to smile.

Here’s Moe practicing the “No Smile” look…

What we’re going to do is become the Bad Boyz of Bicycle Blogging! Think of it as the Rock Racing of Blogs. We’re starting off this new campaign by providing MANDATORY Aviator Glasses for all MtnBikeRiders staff.

We’re also telling the staff to shave off any arm, leg and neck hair. Nothing says weak and slow than too much hair. Oh another thing we’re doing is getting a MANDATORY hair cut. All men on staff are now required to have no longer than a #1 hair cut. So that means everyone is buzzing it all off…plus they have to grow sideburns…just cuz its cool!

We’ve also bought each staffer a 6 pack of Wine Coolers to help them get accustomed to the hoity toity lifestyle we’re hoping to achieve.

We’re also in the process of purchasing our first company vehicle…a Unimog! Cuz a Unimog is all about “being all up in yo’ bidness!”This vehicle will only seat two, but that basically means that the I’ll be driving, Priscilla in the front seat and the rest of the staff will have to rough it in the back. That’s ok, they can handle it! The Unigmog will be used as our “go-to” vehicle…meaning Go To Sea Otter, Go To Crankworx, Go To Whistler, Go To Interbike and Go To get beer.

Since we’re not holding back on making all these changes, I’ve made arrangements with KHS Bicycles to provide the staff their newest 08 XC bikes…the XCT 555. This bike represents everything that we are all about…sexy, classy, and tough…

Oh and one last thing, all staff is required to grow a thick mustache, even Priscilla! Though my attempt last month didn’t go so well, I’ve implemented an incentive program that will pay each staffer $650 once start looking like this guy. Who is he? I dunno, I found his picture in Flickr, but he’ll be our mustache standard!

These changes or reinvention to the staff and sites have been implemented as of yesterday and we hope that you will enjoy the new and improved Even if you don’t…I don’t care! (shrugging my shoulders)

Ok ok, got me! I’m just messing around. I must have a man-crush on the whole Rock Racing look and attitude…Man those guys look mega-cool! Don’t worry, we’re not going to get a Unimog or not smile…but the mustache will stay…