Mark Arthur Reynolds Memorial Fund and Race Event

Mark Reynolds passed away while competing in the Downhill event at Sea Otter. Our great friends at Evomo have been organizing a Memorial fund raiser and many companies have stepped up to offer product donations for this event. Read more about it below:

Los Angeles, CA — A fund raiser is being held in conjunction with the CCCX Downhill Race Series starting this Saturday, May 3rd in honor of Mark A. Reynolds who died on Saturday, April 19, 2008.

Mark’s death was a result of the crash he had while competing in the Downhill race during the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, CA. Mark, who was just 48 years old, was the owner of Wicked Racin and innovator of the Dualrailluer Guide for which is in the process of being patented as the first dual chain ring guide. Mark was an avid mountain biker who raced competitively and he also enjoyed the action sports scene including snowboarding, wake boarding and even piloting airplanes. He was also a friend to many as well as a mentor to those looking to improve their skills.

After hearing the news on Saturday, members of the Evomo Mountain Bike Team stepped forward to contact fellow industry companies in order to organize a memorial fund raiser in Mark’s name. “I feel it’s the right thing to do and I really feel for the family who had to hear such terrible news”, said Tom Judy, Evomo Downhill Team Member. Everyone on the Evomo team instantly said they would be happy to make a collective Team donation to help. Within a few days, Fox Racing was ready to ship out some product donations and Keith DeFiebre, CCCX race organizer, offered his event location as a place to hold the fund raiser. “It was pretty awesome to get such instant support”, said Tom Judy.

Mark’s family hopes to contribute to a freeride or jump park that will be named after Mark so that people of all levels can enjoy the sport of mountain biking and can feel encouraged and supported, just as Mark made all of us feel.

Fox Racing Shox, Evomo, X-Fusion, Pactimo, Stan’s No Tubes, Cool Cycling Club, Calabazas Cyclery, Trailhead Cyclery, and Auburn Bike Works have already stepped up to donate cash or product for the fund raising raffle that will be held at the CCCX DH Race Series finale on Sunday, June 22. Memorial T-shirts and raffle tickets will be for sale at this weekends event in which all proceeds will go to the fund in honor of Mark. “By having a huge raffle at our series finale in June
we are able to maximize the cash we can raise by selling tickets at the next 5 races”, said Keith DeFiebre, CCCX Race organizer.

This weekend’s event will be held at Toro Park in California, located between Salinas and Monterey off of Hwy 68 just minutes from Laguna Seca Raceway. Registration for racing opens at 8am.

Donation information, please visit where you can make a cash donation in his Mark’s name via PayPal.