GORE RideOn Cable Systems

While at Sea Otter, we came across the GORE tent and began talking to a nice lady that went into great detail why their product is superior than other brands out there.

Here’s some info from their site:


Completely protected from the elements by
continuous liner and GRUB™ Seals. Patented cable coating technology designed for low friction and durability. Works with most brakes or shifters on most bikes.

* Coated cables
* Continuous liner
* Cable housing
* GrubT seals
* Crimp caps
* Ferrules

A fancy picture that shows the comparison test results.

So once we got to talking about the cables I told them that I am doing an experiment with trying to get my mechanical brakes to feel more like hydraulic brakes. I mentioned that I’m currently using 4mm housing for my brakes because of the low compression that it offers. I had also mentioned that Nokon had sent me some housing and cables to see if it feels better than the 4mm housing. Right then the nice lady jumped on the opportunity to give me a set of the sealed brake kit to throw in the mix of my diabolical plan to save money and never upgrade to hydraulic brakes.

They even gave me this super cool bottle opener!