Some link love…

Our friend Jay (trial n errors) wrote an article over at Evomo about his first xc race.

I’ve been able to talk with his wife Cheryl through our myspace accounts. Super great couple and and I was really encouraged to hear that she decided to enter her fist xc race along with Jay!
Here’s an excerpt:

We signed in, got out numbers and started getting ready for the beginner race at 9:00AM. Cheryl and I lined up and waited for our groups to go. This is where I made a huge rookie mistake! I was lined up with the wrong group. I started talking to the guys next to me and I overheard someone say that this was the 40+ group. I said, “Wait a minute! Where’s the 30-39 group?�? That’s when I quickly found out that my group had already left the starting line and now I was way behind already! Everyone made a path for me to get through and I took off like a mad man. I was more embarrassed than mad. I didn’t think I had a chance to catch anyone at all, but to my surprise I was not only able top catch up, but also started passing people……

Continue reading here.