Gotta check out the DIYWBC 1.0 (Do It Yourself Wooden Bicycle version 1.0).

As a product designer I work with a lot of limitations. The products should not be to experimental, not to conventional, they should be easy to massproduce yet hard to copy, the materials should be rational and low-cost yet have an exclusive look at the end. 9 out of 10 days I like that way to work limitations can be inspiring and challenging but sometimes also very frustrating.

Educated with a Bachelor in Furniture Design at Carl Malmsten CTD I love wood and as a mountain bike cyclist in my spare time I do like bikes.

The Do It Yourself Wooden Bicycle is just about everything industrial design don´t is. It is very easy to copy and reproduce. With a trashed bike to get components from and a nereby hardware store anyone can build it with normal handtools. The look is quit rough and unconventional making it safe from thieves and if you miss something on the bike like a parcel carrier just build it the way you want it. The Do It Yourself Wooden Bicycle even got a name that is to long to be commercial.

The bike can be seen as a first test version of a open source project. Please build your own, if you want drawings of the bike for an initial help just mail me at [email protected]

Seen via Dirt Rag’s blog. Click here for the blog and here for the website.

I’d ride it but only in 29er form.