Review: Ryders Eyewear “Tread”

Who: Ryders Eyewear on their “Chill” Collection sunglasses:

When the adrenaline isn’t pumping, we like to talk about the times when it was, or the next time that it will. This collection has been designed just for those times and developed with fashionable style in mind-something that is often compromised in high-performance eyewear. Some styles in this collection boast high-performance features that are found in our Adrenaline Collection, and all have our optically-correct, shatter-proof lenses.

Product Tested:
Ryders Eyewear Tread Sunglasses

Ryders Eyewear Tread Sunglasses

Website’s MSRP:
$ 39.99

FRAME: Tortois Duraflex
LENS: Brown, Polycarbonate, 100% UV Protection
TINT: 16.9% Visible Light Transmission
FIT: Medium
FEATURES: Anti-Slip Nose Pads and Temple Tips

About Me:
6’1�? 210lbs, 28 year old male. I’m a mountain biking enthusiast who enjoys rocking the big 29er wheels. I’m mainly a XC rider.

Testing Grounds:
All over Southern California on sunny days, of course!

After months of hard use, the Ryders Tread sunglasses are still going strong

First Impressions:
Ryder’s Eyewear sent over a pair of the Tread sunglasses for us to wear. This pair of sunglasses is from their “Chill�? collection. My first thoughts were that the sunglasses were very styling. The gold on the arms of the sunglasses were blingy. 😉

The comfortable nose pads and temple pads. Ryder’s calls them Hydrophilic Pads. I call them comfortable. Many lower end sunglasses do not have comfortable nose or temple pads. They tend to be just plastic throughout these areas without any padding. This seems to be a good place to cut costs for many low end sunglass makers. Ryder’s, though, has nice nose pads that felt extremely comfortable to my nose bridge and soft temple pads that not only felt good, but also did a good job holding the sunglasses to my head.

Out on the trail

Style is very subjective but the Tread sunglasses, with their turtle shell look and gold band, were very styling. I received many comments on how they looked over testing period. Some people liked it, others not so much. But since style is so subjective, I can easily say that I liked how the sunglasses looked.

These sunglasses were quite durable during the testing period. I treated these “chill�? sunglasses the way I normally treat my sunglasses: I lightly abuse them. While not wearing them in the car, I kept the sunglasses in the small bin underneath the radio stack. This bin gave the sunglasses a chance to be tossed around by my driving. When I was out and not wearing them, I would either hook them on my head backwards or on my shirt collar. When I reached down to pick up something, the sunglasses would inevitably drop onto the floor. Surprisingly, over the last couple of months, the Ryders sunglasses have held up even better than I would have expected through my abuse.

The Ryders sunglasses are extremely comfortable. They grip my head comfortably, not too snugly which can be a problem with some other sunglasses that have cheesy hinges. These hinges however allowed the arms of the sunglasses to fit my large head comfortably and never made me feel like I was constricting blood flow to the brain.

The Tread being worn backwards, during the not so sunny days

The only con for these sunglasses is that it is not a true pair of mountain biking sunglasses. Although the Tread does not claim to be mountain biking sunglasses, I have taken them out off-roading. They work fine as long as the sun is bright in the sky, but in other lower light conditions such as dawn/dusk, the Tread would not be suitable for mountain biking. Thankfully, since they were not made for this, I really can’t hold it against them. For chillin’ at the post ride beverage spot, these glasses are great.

Ryder’s Eyewear has a nice pair of Tread sunglasses at a competitive price point. These sunglasses are stylish, comfortable and durable. The little nose pads and temple pads set these glasses apart in the comfort department while the blingy gold band and turtle shell brown frame gives the glasses a good dose of style. The Tread can also double as mountain biking sunglasses on bright sunny days.

Click here for more information about the Ryders Eyewear Tread sunglasses

Comfortable & Stylish