I want to get back in the gym…

I’m feeling a bit pudgy since the whole weight loss contest. I could use a few excuses about having to start a new job, getting accustomed to it and all that jazz, but in reality, I’ve been WAY lazy.

Some day I want to look like this young buck.

But our buddy Ryan K. took the liberty to help me visualize…

Thanks man!

Anyhow, I’ll need some tips on which exercises to consider when I’m pumping some iron. I also need to make sure that the stuff I’m doing will benefit my riding. So for all you gym rats that’s out there, please provide me some tips on what I can do to work out. My goal is about 3x times a week, keep in mind I have a bad left knee….so squats would be pretty much out of the question. Unless there’s a way for me to build up my leg power and eventually work towards squats.