For those of you who like mountain biking…

Never since the original LA Coliseum Superbowl of Motocross has there been an event like this. Southridge Racing Club owner Donny Jackson put up some bucks, secured a mini stadium, found some dirt, and designed a 4-Cross course. He even tracked down the original Superbowl of Motocross announcer, Larry Motor Mouth Huffman. The main event is slated to take place September 24, during 2008 Interbike.

Invited athletes include Eric Carter, Rich Houseman, Dale Holmes, Chris Kovarik, Brad Oien, JD Swanguen, Mike Haderer, Cody Warren, Brian Lopes, Kirt Voreis, Nathen Rennie, Brian Schmith, Carter Holland, Jared Rando, Ross Milan, Kyle Strait, Ryan Conderashoff, John Hauer and Petr

More info here.