Sho-Air’s Go-Green entry fee incentive/relief program

Just recevied from American Mountain Classic & Sho-Air International:

Press Release
July 29, 2008
Sho-Air International is pleased to announce a “Go-Green” entry fee incentive/relief program for all competitors in the American Mountain Classic Stage Race in Brian Head, UT set to run August 21-24.
In light of the recent escalating prices at the gas pump and the slowing economy, event title sponsor Sho-Air International is extending a rebate incentive program to all currently registered riders, plus any new rider who sign up for the event.

“Its no secret that prices at the pump and the sluggish economy makes traveling to the races more taxing on the wallet these days” reflects Sho-Air’s marketing director Ty Kady. “As a result of early entry’s exceeding expectations for an inaugural event, we want to give back to the person who wanted to race in America’s most prestigious MTB Stage Race, but was feeling the pinch in their pocket book. We hope that the $50 rebate can be spent towards gas or some other event related costs. We are also encouraging people to car pool with a friend, hence why we created a “buddy” rebate program for new registrants that sign up with a friend. Remember to Go-Green when ever possible!”

Effective July 29 through August 19th all currently registered athletes that get a new registrant to sign up for the American Mountain Classic will receive $50 refund on their entry fee, along with the new rider. Additionally any new rider who signs themselves and a friend up, who are not currently registered for the event, will each receive a $50 rebate off each their entry after proof of purchase.

To be eligible for the “Gas Relief” incentive program, all athletes must sign up on Sports Base Online at the following link-

Upon completing registration, all registrants who qualify should contact Ty Kady with their entry receipt for a rebate access code. Ty can be reached at [email protected] or 800-227-9111.