Leaving for Las Vegas-Interbike 2008

The staff of MtnBikeRiders and BikeCommuters.com are leaving in less than 24 hours for Las Vegas! Woohoo!

We’re super excited to bring you interviews, photos and Interbike goodness for the next 3 days. Jeremy will be staying back to mind the store, but make sure you check out out stuff starting Wednesday. We’ll be posting as much as we can about the newest things we see.

Moe had secured a Limo (a Toyota Sienna) for us to take to the show, he’ll be arriving super early at our place to pick Priscilla and I up, then we’re heading to Joe’s house. Moe said that the ride to Vegas was “clothing optional,” I may jut have a surprise for him when he gets here….

Vegas is about 3 hours away, so that means we can party it up on our way to the show. I know I have these grand ideas and plans to “party” on the way there, but what will happen is, I will be the only one who is super hyper about the show, I’ll be talking way too fast. I’ll be doing all this while the rest of the crew are trying to catch a nap…

Ooh I just remembered Sea Otter. Jeremy, Moe and I shared a hotel room…and they got so mad at me because I’d wake up as early as 5am to start working on the postings from the event. Well since I’m a morning person, history will repeat it self.

Interbike is one of my favorite biking events that we go to. Sea Otter is up there because its fun, you can ride your bike around and all that. But Interbike is the show where beer flows like milk and honey, the swag is like mana from the sky, and seeing some of our bike industry friends is always fun.

As we’re heading over there, enjoy one of my favorite scenes from Dumb and Dumber: