Interbike is Over and my back hurts…

We drove in last night around 9pm from Vegas and man, do our backs hurt! But you know what, we took one for you our favorite people in the world, our readers. Oh wait, my favorite people in the world are Priscilla, Moe, Joe and Jeremy, so you folks will be my second favorite.

Anyhow, we’re sorting through hundreds of photos of the event as well as hours of videos. As we work through those, we’ll get them up on the site. But for now here’s a few pictures of your crew hard at work…

At the Intense booth

Interview with Melissa Buhl

Moe working hard on a beer.

Moe working hard on a rib at a buffet…

RL impersonating a bug with crab legs at a buffet…

A photo of the two best “Vince” people in the entire universe. Look! I’m in a Vince Sandwich!

Ok like I’ve mentioned we’ll be working through all of our media to provide you with some of the things we’ve seen at the show. So sit tight and wait, or go ride your bike!