Sette Impact Protective Suit Update

This past weekend we went camping with some friends in the Mojave Desert in Ca. While camping we were fortunate enough to ride quads and dirt bikes. Since I knew I’d be mounting a beastly machine…a 100cc Honda dirt bike, I decided to bring the Sette Impact Suite to protect my money maker.

I showed it to my buddy Loren who happens to be really into dirt bikes and he was genuinely impressed on the type of protection the suit provided. Before we rode off into the sunset, I zipped up the suit and put on my favorite riding accessory, my CAPE!

Don’t hate the playa, hate the game!

So you’re probably wondering how the suit did? Great I suppose, I’m still here aren’t I? The suit really does offer a sense of security as well as the ability to breath really well. Fortunately I didn’t take a fall to really find out how well this thing worked, but for the most part, the suit has done a great job in keeping me safe and comfy during my ride. I even had the suit on while we climbed up some caves!