FRS Healthy Energy: Pomegranate Blueberry Soft Chews

While at Interbike, we met up with FRS Healthy Energy. They provided us a pack of the Soft Chews.

As they explained to us all the bells and whistles of the product, I was really intrigued because one key thing he mentioned was that it did not make you jittery like other energy products such as Redbull or Monster.

The suggested serving for the soft chews are 2 at a time. The chews remind me of Starburst candies and its just as good too.
FRS energy

So here’s what happens once you eat the chews. Within minutes…yes minutes, you start to feel this stuff working. Like I mentioned, FRS said this doesn’t get you jittery. But I definitely felt it slowly working. 45 minutes later, they still have an effect on you.

Apparently FRS is made out of some crazy anti-oxidants that are found in items like red onions, blueberries, raspberries and pomegranate. It also has a boat load of B Vitamins: 1,2,3,6,12 as well as Vitamins C and E.

FRS claims that their product will last in your bloodstream up to 16 hours, which is crazy considering caffeine only stays in your body around 3-4 hours. Since they made this crazy claim, I asked FRS will this prevent me from falling asleep at night? The rep said no, you could actually go to bet after taking this product. There’s some truth to that since I have been popping the chews on our night rights that last about 1.5 hours and after that, I’m bed within another hour.

You’re wondering has this helped with my riding? I say heck yeah! FRS helped me get in some of my best timed single speed rides. Usually when I ride the Fullerton Loop on my SS, I stop at the top of each hill, rest and then keep going. Sometimes a ride at that pace can take up to 2 hours. But in my last 3 SS rides, I took some FRS chews and was able to go non-stop through the trail in about an hour and six minutes. I know that there are some guys that can do this trail way faster, but for me, that was the fastest I’ve ridden the Loop. So I guess you could say FRS helped me achieve my personal best.

You can order FRS products from their website, the chews are on the pricey side, its $20 for a pack of 30 pieces. But you know what, I think its worth it since this product DOES WORK!