Mt. SAC FFTC– one year later…

This Sunday is the 2008 Mt. SAC Fall Fat Tire Classic.  It will mark my one year anniversary in racing.  This time last year I entered my first XC race.


















As an avid mountain biker, the Friday before the 2007 Mt. SAC FFTC I decided to enter the race.  I was with my age group, Men’s Beginner 35-39 class, which was a pretty big group.  Not having prepped for the race, I thought I would fair well against my competitors.  Not even close – as a matter of fact I got smoked!  One thing that I was pleased with is I finished!  

The 2007 Mt. SAC FFTC was a motivation for me.  I couldn’t wait for the 2008 season to come so I can enter more races.  Competitive by nature, but realistic that the dream has long passed… my goal was simple – to do better than the last race and have fun!

This year I have done that and have done fairly well.  Sometimes I placed and sometimes I didn’t.  And sometimes I got hurt in the process… most of all I had FUN doing it!

This Sunday I’m looking forward to the Mt. SAC race.  Along with the MtnBikeRiders Team, we are going to have fun!  It will also be an interesting day as our forecast is predicting rain.  Check back next week for race reports and pictures.