First Impressions: Muc-Off

We recently received a Race Cleaning kit from Muc-Off.  Included in the package are:

IMG_9030 copy by you.

1 -1Ltr Muc-Off
1 – 500ml Muc-Off Bike Spray
1 – 35mm Cranked Head brush
1 – Large Microcell sponge
1 – Muc-off Mesh Bag. 

Also received (but not part of the Race kit)
1 – pack of Muc-Off Dirty Work Hand & Component Scrubbing wipes
1 – Muc-Off Disc Brake Cleaner.

Pre-wash conditions.   IMG_1869 by you.

Back in October I raced in the SC VELO XC Challenge.  It was fairly dry until towards the end of the race when rain came down on us.  Needless to say I had a very dirty bike.  Post race, I used the Muc-Off Race kit.  Below are steps in the order of use:

1. Spray Muc-Off all over the bike frame, drive train, wheels, etc…IMG1873 by you.

2.  Let the solution sit for 1-2 minutes; then scrub or brush dirty areas…
IMG1875 by you.

…then rinse with cold water.IMG1872 by you.

3. (No picture) Apply Muc-Off Bike Spray directly onto your bike.  This contains PTFE which is designed to drive water out from areas where it may hold moisture, while leaving a protective film.  After giving time for the fluids to disperse, I used a clean cloth/rag to wipe and remove any excess.

The results…                IMG_1876 by you.

On the next race at Mt. SAC, the condition during my race was muddy and wet.  The last application I used when I cleaned the bike was Muc-Off Bike Spray.  As described, this product contains PTFE which helps prevent dirt adhesion and leaves a protective film.  In short Muc-Off Bike Spray will help keep your bike clean (and easier to clean in the future). Other than the inevitable mud glob on the bottom of the down-tube, the rest of the frame, fork, cranks and wheelset stayed clean.

IMG9493 by you.

This one time use of Muc-Off has made me an instant believer in the product.  Stay tuned as I’ll be putting these products to use in the coming winter months.  I have other bikes that are dirty and will have to clean.  A full review to follow…

For more information, please visit their site at